Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Evil Conner

This isn't really an official blog but I just wanted you to know.

So my kid/baby-sitter's boyfriend<== EWWW!,Conner, (Sorry to all none-evil Conners out there, but he has your name) had to drive us home from school today with Kristen (our baby-sitter). And I had already known that he had had a pet pig and slautered it and ATE it, (completely EVIL and WRONG) and was a carniovor, and had probably done lots of other horrible stuff to nature and animals. So I started telling him how I hoped a giant pig would nash him to stupid little Conner pieces and he told me a tree would fall on me which was a really lame come-back because I don't eat trees. And that whole time I really just wanted to slug him in the mouth so he couldn't keep telling me answers for my insults. My final thing to him was when I got out of the car was, "Good-bye, jerk face." Which I think pretty much sums him up. Anyway, if you know a guy named Connor who has a girlfriend <== EWWW! named Kristen and is about 22 years old with brown hair and a blank, stupid-looking face, then imediately slug him for me and kick out of a window or door if one is near by. Now I need to talk to a specific veiwer: Kristen, either break-up with the jerk and push him through a paper shredder, or slug him in the face 100 times and push him through a paper shredder. Those are your options. Also, show him this blog.
Alright. We're done here.
- Sky Sprout

Monday, May 10, 2010

HUGE soccer win!

Soccer score: like 38-1! I even scored a few with headers! David was just not paying attention today. But we totally owned.
Interesting fact: apparently, Mrs. Alves some how knows me; During gym, she asked me my name real skeptically and when I told her she said how she remembered me from grade 3- weird.
Main event: We, the advanced reading group, a.k.a. Saving Lilly group ("Saving Lilly" is our book name) are almost ready to present! I finished the book review, Carter finished the newspaper article, and everyone in the group is bringing start-off money for the donate box. (I'm bringing $20)
News: tomorrow, at karate, it's going to be great because apparently I'm going to get to do whatever I want because Mom set sensei Jerry straight because I had the lousiest time at the tournament (long story) and he's the one who markets it. But no offense to anybody.
Wrap up: A message to one of my viewers: Kristen, if you're going to follow me, then atleast tell some real people to read this! I know you are just doing this to annoy me. That is all.
-Sky Sprout B)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

school sports news- lots of our wins!

Today's blog is mostly about sports.

The soccer score was 1-0, 1 being us. It was a great win. Kevin, one of our players, kicked it in the goal midway through the game, and their goalie, David, didn't block it! Ha!
In P.E., our volley-ball was won by US! It was pretty brutal in the first half, mostly because David (Who is on the opposing team in soccer but also my friend) kept doing illegal hits! But his set did get us into the serving court once, though. I also scored us a point!
The news: The martins, our annoying neibors across the street are moving to Arizona!!! WHOO HOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
Hope you enjoyed my sports report and the big and AWESOME news.

- Sky Sprout

No homework!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

This is NOT next real post. -Just a reminder-

This is NOT the next post. This is a "By the way".

Just wanted to tell you that (if you read my profile) I am not 13 and in the fourth grade. No, I'm 10. But on the profile it said you had to be 13 or older to do a blog, so yeah...

See ya next time I post! ;)

- Sky Sprout

Getting started

Date: 5/05/10

I'm Sky. I'm going to be doing this blog to tell you guys how it is to be in the fourth grade, in other words the life of a kid. So, I will tell you how each of my blogs will be set up:
- Title
- daily soccer score (Only on school days) + details of game
- interesting fact (Not always)
-Big event
- News
-Wrapping up

'Kay? Alright. The real blog will be posted by tomorrow.

- Sky Sprout